40 Jumbo Crocus Mixture - Crocus vernus & flavus
40 Jumbo Crocus Mixture - Crocus vernus & flavus
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40 Jumbo Crocus Mixture - Crocus vernus & flavus

$ 12.95


Grass-like foliage surrounds these beautiful yellow, purple, and white chalice shaped flowers. Full Sun, Partial Shade 4"-6" Tall Blooms early spring Zone 3-9 Carefree and naturalizing; these bulbs signal the end of winter. Crocus are easy to grow in well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. Plant in waves in the garden or lawn. If planting in the lawn wait at least 6 weeks after the crocus have flowered to mow the lawn. Crocus will multiply and come back year after year if left undisturbed.
  • Grass-like foliage surrounds these beautiful yellow, purple, and white chalice shaped flowers.
  • Crocus are easy to grow! These bulbs signal the end of winter!
  • 4"-6" Tall, Will ship mid september
  • Zone 3-9
  • Please note: Our shipping occurs only one time for up to 5 items, so please check out all our plants and bulbs to make the most of your shipping dollar.
Grass-like foliage surrounds these beautiful yellow, purple, and white chalice shaped flowers.