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$ 219.00


1 Select a planting area that receives full sun and has well-draining soil of low to average fertility. Tickseed tolerates dry conditions and chalky or shallow soils. The plant is well suited to the middle or front of border gardens, and it also thrives in naturalized areas. 2 Plant tickseed in spring, after the threat of frost has passed. Till the soil to a depth of 12 to 15 inches with a tiller or garden fork prior to planting. Work a 2- to 4-inch layer of organic compost into the loosened soil to improve drainage. 3 Dig the planting hole about twice the diameter of the plant's current container. Remove the plant from its container and place it in the hole so the top of its root ball sits at soil level. Fill in the planting hole and firm the soil gently around the base of the plant. 4 Water tickseed thoroughly just after planting to initiate new growth. Soak the soil to a depth of at least 6 inches. Continue watering once a week during the summer months, but only if weekly rainfall is less than 1 inch. Otherwise, the plant requires no additional watering. 5 Apply a 1-inch layer of organic compost to the ground surrounding tickseed once a year in early spring. Follow with a 2-inch layer of organic mulch to help reduce weeds and improve the soil's moisture retention. Use bark mulch or leaf mold for the best results. 6 Remove faded flowers, a process known as dead-heading, to encourage further blooms and prevent self-seeding. Leave a few blooms on the plant if self-seeding is desired. Divide tickseed once every two to three years in spring by digging up the plants and dividing into clumps with a garden spade. Replant the new clumps 2 to 3 feet apart.