Kwik Stop for external use on dogs cats & birds - stop bleeding - minor cuts
Kwik Stop for external use on dogs cats & birds - stop bleeding - minor cuts
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Kwik Stop for external use on dogs cats & birds - stop bleeding - minor cuts

$ 12.30


1.5 oz
6 oz
.5 oz


Kwik Stop for external use on dogs cats & birds.5 oz(1/2oz), 1.5 oz, or 6 oz Each
.5 oz(1/2oz) or 1.5 oz
Sold as each item
Gimborn For external use on dogs, cats, and birds to stop bleeding caused by clipping nails, docking tails, trimming beaks and minor cuts. .5 oz(1/2oz) or 1.5 oz
Apply to bleeding caused by clipping nails, docking tails, wing clipping and minor superficial cuts. Pressure bandaging to be used in conjunction with product following tail docking. Sold as each item Do not use in deep wounds, body cavities or on burns. If desired results are not obtained, consult a veterinarian. Directions:
Apply with cotton applicator or directly to the cut, nail, or other superficial bleeding area using constant pressure for five to ten seconds. For External Use On Dogs, Cats & Birds G9-F8 MCP60002

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  • Brand:Gimborn, Country/Region Of Manufacture:Unknown
  • Model:Kwik Stop for Dogs & Pets
  • Mpn:Kwik Stop for Cats & Dogs
Brand:Gimborn, Country/Region Of Manufacture:UnknownUnbranded