Murdasingh 1Pkt
Murdasingh 1Pkt
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Murdasingh 1Pkt

$ 15.00


It cures all stomach related diseases. Breath is life, life is breath and thus must be a Mantra. Yes it is. There is a Mantra just for those who believe that nature has the right answers. It is good for everybody. You perform your daily activities without conscious awareness of your breath or beating heart. This automatic and autonomic breathing is such that it can vary its rate depending on the needs of the body. Aapamarg is an important herb in Ayurveda. It is also known as Chirchita, Latjeera and Prickly Chaff flower. The botanical name of the herb is Achyranthes aspera and it belongs to the family amaranthaceae. The tandul, leaves and roots of the herb are used for medicinal purpose. According to Ayurveda, the herb is vata and kapha suppressant. It is used to cure various health conditions, which are discussed in this article. Erect or ascending herbs or shrubs; leaves opposite, the blades entire many-flowered; becoming elongate, with only a few flowers open at the same time; flowers hermaphrodite, solitary in axils of acute, membranous, persistent bracts. The petals are white to pale lavender, the filaments while to rich pink, and the fruit orange to reddish purple or brown. Application: Aapamarg has been extensively used in Ayurveda as an ant-inflammatory agent besides being useful in Hemorrhoids, indigestion, cough, asthma, anemia, jaundice and snake bite. It is also used as an Astringent, antiperiodic, antibilious, diuretic, expectorant, purgative, pungent, digestive, laxative, stomach, blood purifier, mucolytic, eases bronchospasm in asthma. Aapamarg oil is used locally in earache. The root powder is sprinkled over the lesion in skin diseases. Chemical Composition: Plant yields achyranthine. Seeds are rich in proteins and potash.
  • Murdasingh