Pack of 3 Organic Ant , Pulse , Lizard Repellent Mikado's Fully Herbal no Harm chemicals
Pack of 3 Organic Ant , Pulse , Lizard Repellent Mikado's Fully Herbal no Harm chemicals
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Pack of 3 Organic Ant , Pulse , Lizard Repellent Mikado's Fully Herbal no Harm chemicals

$ 12.99


Mikado's Lizard Repellent is a Non-Posionous, Non--Hazardous, Odorless Lizard Treatment. Every Pack consists of 5 Cubes every cube with a releasing tape on its back. Each effective for an Area of 10'x10'. Mikado's Ant Repellent is a White Chalk. It helps in keeping the Ants Away. It is a Non-Poisonous Treatment. The Ants walk in a Line everywhere they go to just draw a line in the Middle and the Ants are gone for a day or till the Line is Drawn (Which Ever is Earlier). Don't buy Dry Fruits or Pulses in Quantity?? Scared of being eaten by Bruchides, Keeras or any Other insect. You but When there is Need mainly in the Festival time but buy at a Sky Rocketed Rates. We have an Answer for you. Mikado's Pulses Saver is a Non-Poisonous, Non-Hazardous, 100% Safe Product. It keeps your Pulses, Dry Fruits, Cereals or any other Dry Product free from Attack of Bruchides , Keeras or any other thing.
  • 1 Lizard Rep, 1 Ant Repellent, 1 Pulses Saver Lizard Repellent Combo, Ant Repellent, Pulses Saver, Rodent Repellent, Gecko Repellent
1 Lizard Rep, 1 Ant Repellent, 1 Pulses Saver Lizard Repellent Combo, Ant Repellent, Pulses Saver, Rodent Repellent, Gecko RepellentMikado's