Pretty Bouquet Striped Raincoat
Pretty Bouquet Striped Raincoat
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Pretty Bouquet Striped Raincoat


Hand-wash, or machine wash delicate in a laundry net recommended. Garment colors may run when wet, and may transfer onto your pet's fur (especially on lighter/white dogs). Make sure that the velcro parts are fastened when washing this garment.
Washing raincoats may reduce their water-resistance. Raincoats can be maintained with water-resisting sprays.
Garment includes small parts and accessories that may be choking hazards.
  • Made with polyester. Stay dry and safe with this simple Striped Raincoat! The raincoat is made with reflective material so your pet will be highly visible, even in the stormiest of days! The velcro siding and drawstring around the hood ensure that the coat fits your pet perfectly, keeping them dry as a bone in the rain. An opening at the base of the hood lets you stream your leash through the raincoat without letting any water in.
Made with polyester. Stay dry and safe with this simple Striped Raincoat! The raincoat is made with reflective material so your pet will be highly visible, even in the stormiest of days! The velcro siding and drawstring around the hood ensure that the coat fits your pet perfectly, keeping them dry as a bone in the rain. An opening at the base of the hood lets you stream your leash through the raincoat without letting any water in.Pretty Bouquet