Wild Animal Opoly Game by Late for the Sky
Wild Animal Opoly Game by Late for the Sky
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Wild Animal Opoly Game by Late for the Sky

$ 102.82


In Wild Animal-opoly instead of buying property, players become Caretakers of animals and pay Meal Fees.;A player collects 4 Elements - the land, water, food and clean air that all animals need to survive and trade them in for a Habitat where an animal can survive on its own.;Flip over the Animal Certificates and you'll find several fun facts about each animal.;Did you know a polar bear has coal-black skin? Or that a flamingo is pink because it eats shrimp?;How about the fact that a giraffe hoof is the size of a large dinner plate? For ages 8 to adult - 2 to 6 players.
  • Wild Animal Opoly Game
Wild Animal Opoly GameLate for the Sky