6 Green Arrow Replica Arrows with Steel Broadheads
6 Green Arrow Replica Arrows with Steel Broadheads
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6 Green Arrow Replica Arrows with Steel Broadheads

$ 70.00


Made in USA! Thank you for supporting our American family business. These arrows are real, and are dangerous. They are not intended for conventions, but are designed for practice and shooting at safe targets, and are also effective for hunting. The 6 Replica arrows are equipped with a two-sided steel broadhead. The point is quite sharp, and the sides have a slight serrated edge to them. Each broadhead is slotted into the front of the black wood arrow shaft. Each arrow is 30" in length, from tip to nock. If you want your arrows cut at a different length, be sure to message that to me in the notes during your checkout process. The fletchings are created from high strength dark green and yellow vinyl. The fletchings are also deliberately bound with a slight helical right-hand twist. Yes! I make custom orders for bows and bow sets! So please message me and let me know what type of bow or arrows you are interested in making.