Legend of the Five Rings CCG 20 Festivals Lion starter by Legend of the Five Rings
Legend of the Five Rings CCG 20 Festivals Lion starter by Legend of the Five Rings
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Legend of the Five Rings CCG 20 Festivals Lion starter by Legend of the Five Rings

$ 51.98


Legend of The Five Rings: L5R Ivory Edition Collectible Tin;Clan Starter Deck - Ready to Play Deck;Each Starter Tin Contains - 3 Booster Packs;Collect All 9 - Each Sold Separatley - Save with Combined S&H!;Perfect time for players to start their L5R experience!
  • Legend of the Five Rings CCG 20 Festivals Lion starter
Legend of the Five Rings CCG 20 Festivals Lion starterAlderac Entertainment Group