Rose of Sharon Tree Hibiscus syriacus 1 to 2 feet Tall Live Tree
Rose of Sharon Tree Hibiscus syriacus 1 to 2 feet Tall Live Tree
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Rose of Sharon Tree Hibiscus syriacus 1 to 2 feet Tall Live Tree

$ 44.99


  • Rose of Sharon has beautiful double blooms that appear in August-September in a blaze of red, pink, white or blue when few other shrubs are in bloom. Wonderful even for seaside gardens, where others fail. Hardy and fast-growing 6-8' in sun or partial shade. Mulch soil over roots first two winters, after that no protection necessary. Sturdy 1-2-foot tall tree.
Rose of Sharon has beautiful double blooms that appear in August-September in a blaze of red, pink, white or blue when few other shrubs are in bloom. Wonderful even for seaside gardens, where others fail. Hardy and fast-growing 6-8' in sun or partial shade. Mulch soil over roots first two winters, after that no protection necessary. Sturdy 1-2-foot tall tree.