Sonar Bangla Service
Sonar Bangla Service
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Sonar Bangla Service

$ 0.00


  • Product feature bullets summarize key features of your app and are displayed in their own section, titled Product Features, on your app's product detail page.
  • Detail your app's specific features or actions and list its main (or most compelling) feature first. Some customers may only read the features bullets on your app's product detail page, so it is important to make them as comprehensive as possible while remaining concise.
  • Try to sum up your app in 3 - 5 bullets.
  • Capitalize the first word and don't end a bullet with a period-remember that the product features are a concise feature list and not full sentences (like these bullets!).
  • Make the bullets parallel by starting with the same part of speech (e.g., noun, verb), using the same verb tense (e.g., present, past, future), and the same voice (e.g., active or passive, preferably active).
Product feature bullets summarize key features of your app and are displayed in their own section, titled Product Features, on your app's product detail page.newbanglainfo