UltaBuild(TM) 9.8 Inches v-i-b-r-at-ing d-i-l-dos Waterproof Penis for Female Strong Suction Cup s-e-x Toys for Women s-e-x Products
UltaBuild(TM) 9.8 Inches v-i-b-r-at-ing d-i-l-dos Waterproof Penis for Female Strong Suction Cup s-e-x Toys for Women s-e-x Products
30 Days Lowest Price Guarantee

UltaBuild(TM) 9.8 Inches v-i-b-r-at-ing d-i-l-dos Waterproof Penis for Female Strong Suction Cup s-e-x Toys for Women s-e-x Products

$ 58.99


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Item Type:Vibrators
Size:L9.8" x W 1.9"
length:9.8 inches
width:1.9 inches
  • 100% brand new and high quality
  • Perfect for beginners and couples
  • A Fun Choice for Intermediate and Advanced s-e-x Toy Users
  • Store it in a dry, dark place, avoiding contact with other s-e-x toys
  • Search eTradebiz for more choice!
100% brand new and high qualityUltaBuild