Azalea Rhododendron 'Red Formosa' Qty 40 Live Flowering Evergreen Plants
Azalea Rhododendron 'Red Formosa' Qty 40 Live Flowering Evergreen Plants
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Azalea Rhododendron 'Red Formosa' Qty 40 Live Flowering Evergreen Plants

$ 129.99


For sale, I have a (40) count tray of fully rooted 2" Red Formosa Azaleas. Nothing heralds the arrival of spring more than azaleas bursting into bloom! These ruffled flowers are just the thing to greet guests as they arrive at your door. The Red Formosa Azalea, when planted in groups, makes an exceptional foundation display. It's an evergreen variety offering four seasons of beauty. While Red Formosa Azaleas make excellent specimen and container plants, they reach their dramatic peak when planted in drifts. Unlike other members of the rhododendron family, azaleas are sun worshipers. They also prefer acidic soil and a little supplemental water at the height of the summer. If you want to prune your Red Formosa Azalea, trim it back immediately after its blooms fade. Other than that, they're carefree shrubs that anyone can grow. For large quantity discount consideration, please message us. Thanks!
  • Beautiful Red Blooms
  • Great for Mass Plantings
  • Gorgeous Spring Flowering
Beautiful Red Blooms