SAFLAX - Bonsai - Pink Powder Puff - 10 seeds - Indoor Bonsai - Calliandra haematocephala
SAFLAX - Bonsai - Pink Powder Puff - 10 seeds - Indoor Bonsai - Calliandra haematocephala
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SAFLAX - Bonsai - Pink Powder Puff - 10 seeds - Indoor Bonsai - Calliandra haematocephala

$ 3.95


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Following picture credits in the order of presentation:

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14305-32-31-Calliandra-haematocephala.jpg - Forest & Kim Starr - CC-BY-3.0 -
Jason Pepe - - . -
14305-K-VS-EU.jpg - © Saflax - -
14305-K-RS-EU.jpg - © Saflax - -
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  • Flourishing Indoor Bonsai with collapsing pinnate leaves at night
  • 10 Seeds per packet
  • With detailed instructions for successful potting.
  • Its natural habitat is the tropical and sub-tropical America. The Pink Powder Puff is widespread all the way from New Mexico to Chile.
  • Most characteristic for this beautiful bush are the large blossoms. They consist of a dense tuft of long threads, which tower over the deep-laying, red coloured sepals of each blossom, giving them the appearance of a powder puff or brush. Its eye-catching and juicy blossoms spring up all the year and attract many butterflies as well as hummingbirds ..... (In the pictures you will find a picture of the back of our seed card with complete nursing and care instructions)
Flourishing Indoor Bonsai with collapsing pinnate leaves at nightSAFLAX