SAFLAX - Chinese Magnolia Vine - 15 seeds - With soil - Schisandra chinensis
SAFLAX - Chinese Magnolia Vine - 15 seeds - With soil - Schisandra chinensis
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SAFLAX - Chinese Magnolia Vine - 15 seeds - With soil - Schisandra chinensis

$ 4.45


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23159-38-Schisandra-chinensis-EU.jpg - ????????-????????? ??? - CC-BY-SA-3.0 -
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13159-K-VS-EU.jpg - © Saflax - -
13159-K-RS-EU.jpg - © Saflax - -
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  • In China since 2000 years known as the plants with the five flavours!
  • 15 Seeds per packet
  • With detailed instructions for successful potting.
  • With germfree and permeable potting substrate based on coconut fiber for suceessful cultivation.
  • Wu-Wei-Zi means herb of five flavours. And yes: when you eat the red berries, you can taste all five flavours of sweet, sour, spicy, salty and bitter. In Europe the Chinese Magnolia Vine is still an exotic and less known fruit, but in China it is an appreciated medicinal plant with a long tradition as restorative. The deciduous and steadily lignify ..... (In the pictures you will find a picture of the back of our seed card with complete nursing and care instructions)
In China since 2000 years known as the plants with the five flavours!SAFLAX