Cesar Canine Cuisine chicken with liver pate flavor Dog food 3.5 Oz
Cesar Canine Cuisine chicken with liver pate flavor Dog food 3.5 Oz
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Cesar Canine Cuisine chicken with liver pate flavor Dog food 3.5 Oz

$ 19.00


Your dog will enjoy and happy with Cesar. It is wet food for adult dog. Fresh food. Good tray pack seal.Easy to feed dog. Many vitamin and mineral good for dog health.
  • Cesar chicken and liver beef flavor 35 oz. Wet dog food.
  • It best nutrition for adult dog
  • It have vitamin and mineral good for dog health
  • It good tray pack seal.Fresh food. Easy to feed dog
  • Your dog will enjoy with Cesar
Cesar chicken and liver beef flavor 35 oz. Wet dog food.Thailand