Cesar Dog food Prime beef and Chicken
Cesar Dog food Prime beef and Chicken
30 Days Lowest Price Guarantee

Cesar Dog food Prime beef and Chicken

$ 20.99


Cesar Beef and Chiecken just made mealtime even more delicious. Your pooch will come running for the great taste with exceptional palatability that tempts even the fussiest dogs, Complete and balanced nutrition for small dogs, fortified with vitamins and minerals. Your dog is sure to go wild over this meal!
  • Material: Beef & Chicken
  • Made with only the finest cuts of meat to ensure
  • Comes in a wide variety of gourmet flavors complete with the vitamins an
  • Food for dog, Great Taste for dogs
  • Shipping from Thailand, It takes time 17-31 business days
Material: Beef & ChickenThailand